Community in action
Policy has shaped community. It’s time for community to shape policy. At all levels of government, our agency advocates for and advances policy that promotes, protects, galvanizes, and heals the communities we serve.
Upstream solutions
We are committed to addressing the root causes of the challenges that bring people with unmet basic needs to the doors of our centers and enterprises.
Instituting equity.
Our policy work is developed with, by, and for those who have been historically excluded from the process: African Americans, Indigenous people, people of color, immigrants, refugees, and people in poverty.
Stay connected with the Policy & Advocacy team! Sign up for email updates, and learn more about the key initiatives we’re driving at all levels of government.

“We need public policy that meets this moment—true, comprehensive healthcare, housing, healing, and justice for all.” — Kenzie O’Keefe, Director of Policy & Advocacy

Health & Human Services
We are working to expand access to culturally-relevant models of holistic healthcare (including community health workers). We’re also advocating for increased funding for community-based programs in the areas of family stabilization, employment support, food access, and childcare.

Economic & Community Development
Our policy agenda focuses on equitable neighborhood development that avoids gentrification and displacement. We are also working to champion a reimagined system of public safety, and to protect the financial stability of community artists.

Youth & Education
We are working to increase funding for out-of-school time youth programs, providing safe opportunities for young people in our communities. Our efforts are also focused on dismantling the racial opportunity gap and promoting new, innovative models to prepare our young people for success.
Join us in creating a new public record.
We train and pay community members like you to take notes at local government meetings. These notes are published online and in our newsletter, building a communal tool for civic participation and government transparency.
Your government makes a lot of decisions. We’ve made it easy to keep tabs. Check out our comprehensive calendar of every county and city meeting below.
Interested? You can sign up for more information and subscribe to our forthcoming newsletter below.
The Minneapolis Documenters program is part of a larger Documenters Network founded by City Bureau in Chicago. Financial support for the Minneapolis Documenters comes from the McKnight, GHR, and Target Foundations.
Reimagine Public Safety is an original docuseries produced by the Policy & Advocacy Team at Pillsbury United Communities. Filmmaker D.A. Bullock explores community perspectives on policing in the city of Minneapolis and the possibilities that exist to reimagine and transform our systems of public safety.
Episode 2:
“Our Public Safety Investment”
Episode 3:
“Youth Voices”
Episode 4:
“A Healing Response”
We’d love to keep you connected with our work! For the latest email updates from our team, sign up for our mailing list via the form below.
As our work in the policy space continues to take shape, we welcome the input of all who live and labor in our communities. If you have any questions, suggestions, concerns, or any other comments to share, we encourage you to contact Kenzie O’Keefe, our Director of Policy & Advocacy, at